
Text Verknüpfte Ressourcen: 2

"The most profound shock" : traces of the Holocaust in Sam Fuller's "Verboten!" (1959) and "The Big Red One" (1980).

Orgeron, Marsha (2007, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The Nazis : a warning from History".

Rees, Laurence (2005, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"The only 'I' in the world" : religion, psychoanalysis, and "The Dybbuk".

Konigsberg, Ira (1997, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The other kind" : l'œuvre de James Gray.

Bouillot, Anissia (2011, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"The Passion of the Christ" and its ramifications with reference to the Protestant Churches and Christian-Jewish relations.

Pettit, Peter Acker (2010, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The Passion" by Mel Gibson : enthusiastic response in the Catholic world, restrained criticism by the Jews.

Minerbi, Sergio I. (2005, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The Pianist" and its contexts : Polanski's narration of Holocaust evasion and survival.

Stevenson, Michael (2011, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"The Prisoner" (1952) and the perpetrator in early post-war British television.

Jordan, James (2011, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The Quarrel" in/over Québec.

Ginsberg, Terri (2007, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"The Revolt of Job" : salvaging the lost world of rural Hungarian Hasidim.

Baron, Lawrence (2023, Zeitschriftenartikel)

"The shoah as a show-business".

Bernstein, Michael André (2001, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The Specialist" on the Eichmann precedent : morality, law, and military sovereignty.

Robinson, Benjamin (2003, Zeitschriftenartikel)

"The usual suspects" : Jewish men as reel women.

Epstein, Jan (1996, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"The Year My Parents Went on Vacation" : a Jewish journey in the land of Soccer.

Meter, Alejandro (2018, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"The Younger Generation" : Jews and Diaspora in Frank Capra's America.

Haus, Jeffrey (2019, Zeitschriftenartikel)

"Theresienstadt" : the film about "the town which the Führer donated to the Jews".

Friedman, Régine-Mihal (1989, Zeitschriftenartikel)
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"They were killing us and we were singing" : the role of song in Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" outtakes.

Wolfson, Leah A. (2020, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"To jest Ameryka!" : Życie między światami "Ulica Hester" Joan Micklin Silver.

Piskorz, Artur (2008, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"Toot, toot, Tootsie! (Goodbye)" : disposable women in the films of Woody Allen.

Shapiro, Elliot (2014, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"Torch Song Trilogy" : gay and Jewish foundations.

Friedman, Jonathan C. (2011, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"Töte zuerst!" : der israelische Geheimdienst Schin Bet

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"Traduttore traditore" : Claude Lanzmann's Polish translations.

Glowacka, Dorota (2020, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"Undzere Kinder" : a Yiddish film from Poland.

Langer, Lawrence L. (1998, Sammelbandbeitrag)
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"Van den vos Reynaerde" (1943) : how a medieval fable became a Dutch anti-Semitic animation film.

Barten, Egbert (1994, Zeitschriftenartikel, Hrsg.: Groeneveld, Gerard)