Red Cow
- Originaltitel
- Red Cow
- Produktionsland
- IL
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2018
- Genre
- de Filmdrama
- de LGBT-Film
- de Coming-of-Age-Geschichte
- de Drama
- en drama film
- en LGBT-related film
- en coming-of-age fiction
- Sprache
- he
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 90
- Alternativer Titel
- פרה אדומה
- en Red Cow
- de Das Mädchen mit den roten Haaren
- Regie
- Yacov, Tsivia Barkai
- Drehbuch
- Yacov, Tsivia Barkai
- Kamera
- Yaacov, Boaz Yehonatan
- Premieren & Sendetermine
- 10. Januar 2019
- 18. Februar 2018
- Schlagworte
- de orthodoxes Judentum
- de religiöser Zionismus
- de LGBT-Film
- en Orthodox Judaism
- en religious Zionism
- en LGBT-related film
- Screenings
- San Francisco Jewish Film Festival #38, 2018
- Zusammenfassung
- en Red Cow is a coming-of-age film that takes place in the days leading up to the assassination of Rabin and depicts the life of Benny, 16, orphaned from mother at birth and the only child of Joshua - a religious, right-wing extremist, in those critical junctures when she is forming her sexual, religious and political awareness. (TMDB)