Love, Gilda
- Originaltitel
- Love, Gilda
- Produktionsland
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2018
- Genre
- de Dokumentarfilm
- en documentary film
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 84
- 88
- Alternativer Titel
- Love, Gilda
- en Love, Gilda
- de Love Gilda
- Regie
- D'Apolito, Lisa
- Musik
- Cutler, Miriam
- Kamera
- Higgins, Nick
- Produktion
- Eugene, Franklin
- Premieren & Sendetermine
- 18. April 2018
- Screenings
- San Francisco Jewish Film Festival #38, 2018
- Zusammenfassung
- en Diaries, audiotapes, videotapes and testimonies from friends and colleagues offer insight into the life and career of Gilda Radner -- the beloved comic and actress who became an icon on Saturday Night Live. (TMDB)