The Little Dictator
- Originaltitel
- The Little Dictator
- Produktionsland
- IL
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2015
- Genre
- de Kurzfilm
- Sprache
- he
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 28
- 29
- Alternativer Titel
- en The Little Dictator
- Regie
- Cohn, Nurit
- Zusammenfassung
- en Yossi Kleinmann, a dull history professor and expert on the political leaders of totalitarian regimes, feels unappreciated both by his students and his domineering wife. One weekend, at the 90th birthday party of his wife’s grandmother, a Holocaust survivor, Yossi finds himself in a surreal situation that forces him to face up to himself and his family. (TMDB)
- Identisch mit
- JF Id
- JF-Film-3514