My Own Man
- Originaltitel
- My Own Man
- Produktionsland
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2014
- Genre
- de Dokumentarfilm
- de Komödie
- de Drama
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 82
- 83
- Alternativer Titel
- en My Own Man
- de My Own Man
- Regie
- Sampliner, David
- Drehbuch
- Sampliner, David
- Premieren & Sendetermine
- 27. April 2014
- 6. März 2015
- 6. März 2014
- Zusammenfassung
- en Rattled by the prospect of becoming a dad, a 40-year-old filmmaker begins to consider what "manhood" really means for him, prompting him to pursue an array of interests and reexamine his views -- which were shaped by his father. (TMDB)