Catherine the Great;Catherine the Great
- Originaltitel
- Catherine the Great;Catherine the Great
- Produktionsland
- IL
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2011
- Genre
- de Kurzfilm Animation
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 5
- Alternativer Titel
- en Catherine the Great
- Regie
- Kuntsman, Anna
- Premieren & Sendetermine
- 19. Oktober 2011
- Zusammenfassung
- en Catherine, a young woman from Moldova, answers an appealing Want ad that calls for work overseas. She receives a plane ticket and arrives in Israel, landing in Tel Aviv without the slightest notion about the cruelty that awaits her. (TMDB)
- JF Id
- JF-Film-3200