I Stare At You And Dream
- Originaltitel
- I Stare At You And Dream
- Produktionsland
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 1997
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 57
- 60
- Regie
- Mogul, Susan
- Premieren & Sendetermine
- 2. Mai 1997
- Screenings
- San Francisco Jewish Film Festival #19, 1999
- Zusammenfassung
- en Tender and unflinching, four characters’ struggles, wounds and romantic entanglements are gradually revealed in the context of their everyday lives. Filmed in Mogul’s Highland Park neighborhood, a predominantly Latino area of Los Angeles. Produced in association with the Independent Television Service for public television with major funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. (TMDB)
- JF Id
- JF-Film-2545