Jewish Film Festival Berlin & Brandenburg # 25, 2019
- Titel
- Jewish Film Festival Berlin & Brandenburg # 25, 2019
- Typ
- Festival
- Übergeordnete Veranstaltung
- Jüdisches Filmfestival Berlin & Brandenburg
- Datum
- 2019
- Ort
- Berlin
- Potsdam
- Filme
- Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland
- Menschliches Versagen
- Gerdas Schweigen
- Morituri
- Levins Mühle
- Exil Shanghai
- In Between
- Bruxelles-Transit
- Voyages
- The Komediant
- Joseph Wulf - ein Schriftsteller in Deutschland
- Abrahams Gold
- Mrs. Meitlemeihr;Mrs. Meitlemeihr;Mrs. Meitlemeihr
- Strange Fruit;Strange Fruit
- Donkeys
- As Themselves
- Chained
- Our Way Back
- The 147 Kilometer
- 100 Faces
- Acre Dreams
- Almost Liam
- Army of Lovers in the Holy Land
- Autonomies;Autonomies
- Broken Mirrors
- Fig Tree;Fig Tree
- Hebrew Kisses
- In His Place
- In the Desert: A Documentary Diptych
- Judenrein
- La Brigade des papiers
- Leona;Leona
- M
- Tēvs nakts
- The Bar Mitzvah Boys
- The Last Resort
- The Optimists
- To Dust
- Under a Placid Sky
- Unsettling
- Working Woman
- You Only Die Twice
- Butterflies in Berlin: Diary of a Soul Split in Two
- Cresecendo #Makemusicnotwar
- Frau Stern
- Ma'abarot
- No Promised Land
- The Humorist
- The Mamboniks
- We Were Others
- Untergeordnete Veranstaltung
- Arava Film Festival Special: Shorts in the Desert (JFBB #25, 2019)
- Hebrew Kisses. Kurzes aus Israel (JFBB #25, 2019)