Jewish Film Festival Berlin & Brandenburg # 22, 2016
- Titel
- Jewish Film Festival Berlin & Brandenburg # 22, 2016
- Typ
- Festival
- Übergeordnete Veranstaltung
- Jüdisches Filmfestival Berlin & Brandenburg
- Datum
- 2016
- Ort
- Berlin
- Potsdam
- Filme
- Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
- סיפור על אהבה וחושך
- Train de vie
- Midnight Orchestra
- Simon sagt auf Wiedersehen zu seiner Vorhaut
- Milhemet 90 Hadakot
- The Struma
- Rabin in His Own Words
- Women In Sink
- Transparent
- Schwarz auf Weiss
- Affengeil - Eine Reise durch Lottis Leben
- Palestine in the South
- From the Black you make Color
- Valentina
- A Woman of Valor - Ronit Elkabetz
- Get - Der Prozess der Vivanne Amsalem
- Salomea's Nose;Salomea's Nose
- A Heartbeat Away
- Atomic Falafel
- Colliding Dreams
- Demon
- Everything is Copy
- Glories of Tango
- Gott und die Welt
- Hayored lema'ala
- Hotel Bogota
- Hummus! The Movie;Hummus! The Movie
- I don't belong anywhere: the cinema of chantal ackerman
- Jeruzalem
- Las Ultimas Palavras
- Line 41
- My Beloved Uncles
- My Shortest Love Affair;My Shortest Love Affair
- Natasha;Natasha
- Ninas barn
- Orphans of the Revolution
- Street Shadows
- The Little Dictator
- Treffpunkt Erasmus;Treffpunkt Erasmus
- Wedding Doll
- In Search of Israeli Cuisine;In Search of Israeli Cuisine
- My Home