San Francisco Jewish Film Festival #19, 1999
- Titel
- San Francisco Jewish Film Festival #19, 1999
- Typ
- Festival
- Datum
- 1999
- Ort
- San Francisco
- Veranstalter
- San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
- Filme
- Meschugge
- The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg
- Viehjud Levi
- יום יום
- Zuflucht in Shanghai
- Récits d'Ellis Island: histoires d'errance et d'espoir
- Biography Of A Young Accordion Player
- Carfare City
- The Seventh Million
- Urban Doodles
- Zolgot Hadma'ot Me'atzman
- A Trip To Malin
- Florentene;Florentene
- In the Beginning: Once Upon A Time There Were Arab Jews
- I Stare At You And Dream
- Pavel and Lyalya
- Who's The Caboose
- Adio
- Babcha
- Delta Jews: A Film About Jews in the Land of the Blues
- Isaak Babel
- Jonah
- Khroustaliov, My Car!
- L'homme est une femme comme les autres;L'homme est une femme comme les autres;L'homme est une femme comme les autres
- Memorial Day
- Purim
- Pushcarts and Plantations: Jewish Life in Louisiana
- Sea Horses;Sea Horses
- Silence;Silence
- The Danube Exodus;The Danube Exodus;The Danube Exodus
- The Personals
- The Roth Explosion. Confessions of a Writer
- Three Sisters
- Vilna
- Yidl In The Middle: Growing Up Jewish In Iowa
- After The End Of The World
- Jews And Buddhism: Belief Amended, Faith Revealed
- Pleasures of Urban Decay
- Yom Huledet Same'ach Mar Mograbi
- Untergeordnete Veranstaltung
- An Evening with Ben Katchor (SFJFF #19, 1999)
- Dedicated to the Memory of Hannah Senesh (SFJFF #19, 1999)