"It'll make ashenblotty of the seating-plan!" : British-Jewishness in Jack Rosenthal's "Bar Mitzvah Boy".
- Titel
- "It'll make ashenblotty of the seating-plan!" : British-Jewishness in Jack Rosenthal's "Bar Mitzvah Boy".
- Typ
- Zeitschriftenartikel
- Jahr
- 2006
- Sprache
- en
- Autor*in
- Vice, Sue
- Schlagwörter
- Rosenthal, Jack,; Jews in motion pictures; Jewish theater; Jewish theater (Judaica-Portal)
- Über
- Rosenthal, Jack
- Teil von
- Jewish Culture and History 8,2 (2006), 1-28 (1462169X)