Lanzmann, Claude; Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in motion pictures; Documentary films (Judaica-Portal)
Appeared in English as "The return of the voice: Claude Lanzmann's 'Shoah'" in her book "Testimony" (1992) 204-283. An excerpt appeared in "Yale French Studies" 79 (1991) 39-81, and was reprinted in "Yale French Studies" 97 (2000); the excerpt also appeared in "The Claims of Literature; a Shoshana Felman Reader" (2007) 295-314. An abridged German version appeared as "Im Zeitalter der Zeugenschaft: Claude Lanzmanns 'Shoah'" in "Niemand zeugt für den Zeugen" (2000) 173-193. In Hebrew:; "זמנים" 39-40 (1991) 5-27