Cara de Queso: mi primer gueto
- Originaltitel
- Cara de Queso: mi primer gueto
- Produktionsland
- AR
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2006
- Genre
- de Filmkomödie
- de Drama
- de Liebesfilm
- en comedy film
- Sprache
- es
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 80
- Alternativer Titel
- de Käsekopf
- en Cheese Head
- en Cara de queso —mi primer ghetto—
- Regie
- Winograd, Ariel
- Musik
- Godoy, Lucio
- Weiterer Filmstab
- Goldbart, Nicolás
- Darsteller*innen
- Colombo, Felipe
- Condito, Nicolás
- Denis, Sergio
- Efron, Inés
- Hendler, Daniel
- Juncadella, Martina
- Kaspar, Carlos
- Luppi, Federico
- Morán, Mercedes
- Pecoraro, Susú
- Pedrero, Santiago
- Piroyansky, Martín
- Biscayart, Nahuel Pérez
- Pérez, Silvia
- Santamaría, Carlos
- Tenuta, Juan Manuel
- Torcanowski, Nicolás
- Vaner, María
- Zylberberg, Julieta
- Bermejo, Carlos
- Cortez, José Palomino
- Premieren & Sendetermine
- 12. Oktober 2006
- Gattung
- Fiction
- Zusammenfassung
- en It tells the story of four Jewish boys during a few summer days at the country club where their parents take them, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, in 1993. Within the club, the four define themselves as outsiders, since they do not participate in the sports activities that are practiced there, and therefore do not fit into the logic that governs the place, being permanently bothered and mocked by the rest of the children of their age. (TMDB)