The Man in the High Castle
- Originaltitel
- The Man in the High Castle
- Produktionsland
- US
- Genre
- de alternate history television series
- de auf Roman basierende Fernsehserie
- de Alternativweltgeschichte
- de Science-Fiction im Fernsehen
- de Thrillerserie
- de Fernsehdrama
- en alternate history television series
- en television series based on a novel
- en alternate history
- en science fiction television program
- en thriller television series
- en drama television series
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 54
- Alternativer Titel
- de The Man in the High Castle
- en The Man in the High Castle
- en Man in the High Castle
- Drehbuch
- Spotnitz, Frank
- Vorlage
- Das Orakel vom Berge
- Drehorte
- Seattle
- Monroe
- Vancouver
- Universität von British Columbia
- Produktion
- Zucker, David
- Darsteller*innen
- Davalos, Alexa
- Evans, Rupert
- Kleintank, Luke
- Qualls, DJ
- de la Fuente, Joel
- Tagawa, Cary-Hiroyuki
- Sewell, Rufus
- Norgaard, Carsten
- Leslie, Conor
- Worthy, Rick
- Zahara, Alex
- Kehler, Jack
- Changchien, Louis Ozawa
- Gorman, Burn
- Brown, Brennan
- Rennie, Callum Keith
- Byers, Steve
- Heathcote, Bella
- Horsdal, Chelah
- Holmes, Emily
- Moloney, Robert
- Gaston, Michael
- Shin, Eddie
- Rose, Gabrielle
- Roebuck, Daniel
- Chatelain, Christine
- Sullivan, Camille
- Kanagawa, Hiro
- McNulty, Kevin
- von Pfetten, Stefanie
- Ma, Tzi
- Horn, Kaniehtiio
- Barber, Gillian
- Donovan, Tate
- Root, Stephen
- Hogan, Michael
- Pence, Josh
- Tigar, Kenneth
- Mahaffey, Valerie
- Riefenstein, Thure
- Muser, Wolf
- Shorten, Lee
- Forsythe, William
- Young, Keone
- Murphy, Timothy V.
- Roché, Sebastian
- O'Mara, Jason
- Schlagworte
- en Nazism (Wikipedia)
- de Nationalsozialismus (Wikipedia)
- Ort der Handlung / Behandelte Zeit
- New York City
- San Francisco
- Cañon City
- Berlin
- Gattung
- Fiction
- Identisch mit