Karmel, Ilona,
- Name
- Karmel, Ilona,
- Namensvarianten
- Ilona Karmel Zucker
- Geboren
- 1925
- 14. August 1925
- Geburtsort
- Krakau
- Gestorben
- 2000
- 30. November 2000
- Sterbeort
- Cambridge, Mass.
- Beschreibung
- de (1925–2000) polnisch-US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin
- en (1925–2000)
- Thema von
- Jewish prisoner uprisings in the Treblinka and Sobibor extermination camps.
- SS-police-concentration camp from Dachau to Auschwitz.
- Jewish survivors in DP camps and "she'erith hapletah".
- The Theresienstadt ghetto; its characteristics and perspective.
- Human reciprocity among the Jewish prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps.
- Forced labor and sabotage in the Nazi concentration camps.
- Jews in the Mauthausen concentration camp.
- Jewish tradition in the life of the concentration-camp inmate.
- The question of bombing Auschwitz.
- Social stratification in the concentration camps.
- Bergen-Belsen, 1943-1945.
- The death marches in the period of the evacuation of the camps.
- Escapes of Jewish prisoners from Auschwitz-Birkenau and their attempts to stop the mass extermination.
- Auschwitz; the history and characteristics of the concentration and extermination camp.
- Medicalized killing in Auschwitz.
- Concentration camps as a tool of oppression in Nazi-occupied Europe.
- The case of Bruno Bettelheim and Lina Wertmüller's "Seven Beauties".
- The concentration camps as part of the National-Socialist system of domination.
- Nazi crime trials.
- Facing the nightmare; Israeli literature on the Holocaust.
- Categories of camps - their character and role in the execution of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question".
- Jews in concentration camps in Germany prior to World War II.
- Geburtsort
- Krakau
- Sterbeort
- Cambridge
- Identisch mit
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q59532878
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilona_Karmel
- https://lobid.org/gnd/115851399
- http://id.loc.gov/rwo/agents/n85386575
- http://viaf.org/viaf/79384747
- https://d-nb.info/gnd/115851399/about
- https://data.judaicalink.org/data/gnd/115851399
- https://isni.org/isni/000000011449269X
- https://kalliope-verbund.info/gnd/115851399