Fiddler on the Roof
- Originaltitel
- Fiddler on the Roof
- Produktionsland
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 1971
- Genre
- de Dramedy
- de Musikfilm
- de Filmdrama
- de Literaturverfilmung
- de Musical
- en comedy drama
- en musical film
- en drama film
- en film based on literature
- en musical
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 181
- Alternativer Titel
- Fiddler on the Roof
- Anatevka
- de Fiddler on the Roof
- en Anatevka
- Regie
- Jewison, Norman
- Kamera
- Morris, Oswald
- Drehorte
- Kroatien
- London
- Pinewood Studios
- Produktion
- Jewison, Norman
- Darsteller*innen
- Topol, Chaim
- Crane, Norma
- Frey, Leonard
- Picon, Molly
- Mann, Paul
- Glaser, Paul Michael
- Lovelock, Ray
- Scooler, Zvee
- Ipalé, Aharon
- Lloyd-Pack, Roger
- Medar, Vladimir
- Goorney, Howard
- Harris, Rosalind
- Dobtcheff, Vernon
- Rivera, Marika
- Dennen, Barry
- Lemkow, Tutte
- Marsh, Michele
- Edwards, Elaine S.
- Small, Neva
- Bonstein, Candy
- Ruskin, Shimen
- Zorich, Louis
- Scopp, Alfie
- Madoc, Ruth
- Collier, Patience
- Courtney, Stella
- Kalich, Jacob
- Coburn, Brian
- Little, George
- Fleet, Stanley
- Diamond, Arnold
- Malicz, Mark
- Bayes, Sammy
- Bianco, Larry
- Cartier, Walter
- Johnston, Peter
- Lutman, Guy
- Maclennan, Donald
- Sartoris, Rene
- Durbin, Roy
- Robson, Ken
- Stevenson, Bob
- Zamprogna, Lou
- Baptie, Ivan
- Bass, Cyril
- Bayona, Tanya
- Bilham, C.C.
- Claire, Ina
- Claire, Susan
- Cohen, Sarah
- Diamant, Otto
- Ditson, Harry
- Fielder, Harry
- Goldston, Jill
- Hall, Jody
- Harte, Judith
- Haverstock, A.
- Ingleton, Michael
- Iveria, Miki
- Jaffe, Carl
- Kingsley, Nigel
- Krein, Howard
- Kriseman, Hilda
- Lines, Barry
- Mann, Danny
- Maron, Alfred
- Pahernik, Albin
- Rudnick, Joel
- Scott, Adam
- Siniawski, Petra
- Sloman, Susan
- Trentelman, Karen
- Waller, Kenneth
- Winter,
- Wright, Leo
- Screenings
- Jüdische Lebenswelten im Film
- Gattung
- Fiction
- Zusammenfassung
- en The film version of the stage musical, based on the stories of Sholom Aleichem. Tevye the milkman is a Jewish peasant in pre-Revolutionary Russia, coping with the day-to-day problems of shtetl life, his Jewish traditions, his family, and state-sanctioned pogroms. (NCJF)
- de Diese üppig inszenierte Filmfassung eines internationalen Bühnenerfolgs ist eine in jeder Weise herausragende Leistung. Sie erzählt die lebensbejahende Geschichte des armen, jüdischen Milchmanns Tevje. Sein Stolz, seine Liebe und sein Glaube helfen ihm, der Unterdrückung im zaristischen Russland der vorletzten Jahrhundertwende zu widerstehen. (TMDB)
- en In a small Jewish community in a pre-Revolutionary Russian village, a poor milkman, determined to find good husbands for his five daughters, consults the traditional matchmaker – and also has words with God. (TMDB)