Joshua Then and Now
- Originaltitel
- Joshua Then and Now
- Produktionsland
- CA
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 1985
- Genre
- de Dramedy
- de Literaturverfilmung
- en comedy drama
- en film based on literature
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 119
- 127
- Alternativer Titel
- Joshua Then and Now
- de Joshua Then and Now
- en Eine Liebe in Montreal
- Eine Liebe in Montreal
- Drehbuch
- Richler, Mordecai
- Vorlage
- Joshua Then and Now
- Kamera
- Protat, François
- Drehorte
- Montreal
- Produktion
- Lantos, Robert
- Darsteller*innen
- Woods, James
- Arkin, Alan
- Knox, Alexander
- Powell, Andrew
- Lazure, Gabrielle
- Woolvett, Gordon Michael
- Atkin, Harvey
- Campbell, Ken
- Sarrazin, Michael
- Hecht, Paul
- Joy, Robert
- Campbell, Ken
- Scarfe, Alan
- Trotter, Kate
- Howard, Robert
- Powell, Andrew
- Pretten, Philip
- Rubin, Talya
- Colvey, Catherine
- Sorenson, Linda
- Mantel, Bronwen
- Dentschew, Kliment
- Marshall, Alexandra
- Shamata, Chuck
- Verleih
- 20th Century Studios
- Screenings
- San Francisco Jewish Film Festival #12, 1992
- Gattung
- Fiction
- Zusammenfassung
- en Based on a novel by Mordechai Richler, allegedly his autobiography, this film tells the story of a Jewish writer, from his life as a young boy in Montreal to his more complicated grown-up life.
- en Based on a novel by Mordecai Richler, allegedly his autobiography, it tells the story of a Jewish writer, from his life as a young boy in Montreal to his more complicated grown-up life. (TMDB)