The Passion of the Christ
- Originaltitel
- The Passion of the Christ
- Produktionsland
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 2004
- Genre
- de Filmdrama
- de Filmbiografie
- de Historienfilm
- de Christliche Fiktion
- en drama film
- en biographical film
- en historical film
- en Christian fiction
- Sprache
- la
- he
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 127
- Alternativer Titel
- The Passion of the Christ
- Pasja
- Passion of the Christ
- de The Passion of the Christ
- en Die Passion Christi
- Regie
- Gibson, Mel
- Vorlage
- Passion
- Das bittere Leiden unsers Herrn Jesu Christi
- Kamera
- Deschanel, Caleb
- Drehorte
- Basilikata
- Produktionsfirma
- Icon Productions
- Auftraggeber
- Constantin Film
- Darsteller*innen
- Caviezel, James
- Morgenstern, Maia
- Bellucci, Monica
- Schopow, Christo
- Celentano, Rosalinda
- Rubini, Sergio
- De Vito, Francesco
- Sbragia, Mattia
- Bertorelli, Toni
- Di Loreta, Angelo
- Lionello, Luca
- Gerini, Claudia
- Sarubbi, Pietro
- Ferro, Giacinto
- Impacciatore, Sabrina
- Allocca, Lucio
- Loconsole, Giuseppe
- Khalifa, Hafedh
- Marotta, Davide
- Sartor, Fabio
- Schiwkow, Christo
- De Dominicis, Luca
- Cabras, Francesco
- Rusoff, Ted
- Marescotti, Ivano
- Merz, Jarreth
- Jafri, Abel
- De Marchi, Emilio
- Vettorazzo, Giovanni
- Mincer, Olek
- Mokhtari, Sheila
- Reconti, Paco
- Bakri, Adel
- Dragone, Luciano
- Ayed, Adel Ben
- Costanzo, Franco
- Salemme, Lino
- Gullotto, Emanuele
- De Rosa, Francesco
- Di Carmine, Maurizio
- Gabriele, Francesco
- Pacifici, Federico
- Santi, Roberto
- Shaker, Tom
- Coppola, Andrea
- Kłos, Romuald
- D'Ambrosi, Dario
- Federico, Luciano
- Capalbo, Domenico
- Esposito, Valerio
- Iacovone, Antonello
- Tagarelli, Nicola
- Gaudiano, Ivan
- Zagden, Chokri Ben
- Bestazzoni, Roberto
- Giulivo, Lello
- Visconti, Roberto
- Refuto, Andrea
- Capalbo, Giovanni
- Patresi, Matt
- Poti, Daniela
- Marotta, Noemi
- Longo, Rossella
- Di Ruzza, Danilo
- Monti, Vincenzo
- Valli, Danilo Maria
- Arquint, Nuot
- Fontana, Abraam
- Isidori, Valerio
- dos Santos, Paulo
- Vitolo, Arianna
- Barbuti, Gabriella
- Giusto, Ornella
- Bonev, Michelle
- Stara, Lucia
- Meghnagi, Evelina
- Dokyi, Francis
- Schlagworte
- de Jesus, von Nazaret
- de Film
- de Jesus Christus Passion (Judaica-Portal)
- Ort der Handlung / Behandelte Zeit
- Israel
- Thema von
- Backward Christian soldiers : "The Passion of the Christ" and interfaith reconciliation.
- Jews, Christians, and "The Passion".
- Educating for a faith that feels and thinks.
- "I didn't see any anti-Semitism" : why many Christians don't have a problem with "The Passion of the Christ".
- "Christ-killer" - the long shadow of a blood libel.
- Deicide déjà vu : Mel Gibson's film "The Passion" - an attack on forty years of Jewish-Christian dialogue.
- Reflections on Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ".
- Biblical scholarship and the passion surrounding the "Passion of the Christ".
- History, Hollywood, and the Bible : some thoughts on Gibson's "Passion".
- Literarischer Antisemitismus nach der Schoa aus vergleichender Perspektive : Paul de Man und Mel Gibsons "Passion".
- "Mel Gibson's passion : the film, the controversy, and its implications".
- "La Passion du Christ" selon Mel Gibson.
- Pre-Holocaust Christianity in "The Passion of the Christ".
- Mad Mel und die letzte Kreuzigung : zu Mel Gibsons Film "Die Passion Christi".
- Jewish "officialdom" and "The Passion of the Christ" : who said what and what did they say?.
- "The Passion" by Mel Gibson : enthusiastic response in the Catholic world, restrained criticism by the Jews.
- Anticipating Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" : the controversy over Cecil B. De Mille's "The King of Kings".
- A passion play on film : "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson.
- Christian anti-Semitism - past history, present challenges : reflections in light of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ".
- Gibson's Passion in the face of the Shoah's ethical considerations.
- "The Passion of the Christ" and its ramifications with reference to the Protestant Churches and Christian-Jewish relations.
- Visuelle Passionen und das virtuelle Imperium des 21. Jahrhunderts : von Mel Gibsons Jesus-Film zur Pax Christiana.
- Antisemitism and Hollywood : Part I. - "Gentleman's Agreement"; Part II. - Mel Gibson.
- "Section 1: Reflections on the film".
- History, archaeology, and Mel Gibson's "Passion".
- 〈〈A〉〉 club of their own : Jewish humorists and the contemporary world
- Gattung
- Fiction
- Zusammenfassung
- de In "Die Passion Christi" werden die letzten zwölf Stunden im Leben von Jesus von Nazareth erzählt. Judas, einer seiner Jünger, verrät Jesus nach dem letzten Abendmahl an die pharisäischen Hohepriester, die den Prediger daraufhin gefangen nehmen. Die Hohepriester - allen voran deren Anführer Kaiphas - fürchten durch Jesus ihren gesellschaftlichen Status zu verlieren, beschuldigen ihn daher der Gotteslästerung und verlangen seinen Tod. Doch weder der römische Statthalter Pontius Pilatus, der erkennt, dass es sich bei den Anschuldigungen um eine politische Intrige handelt, noch König Herodes sind gewillt, das Todesurteil zu besiegeln... (TMDB)
- en A graphic portrayal of the last twelve hours of Jesus of Nazareth's life. (TMDB)