On a Heym
- Originaltitel
- yi On a Heym
- Produktionsland
- PL
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 1939
- Sprache
- yi
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 73
- 88
- 84
- Alternativer Titel
- Bezdomni
- yi On a Hajm-bal shuwe
- en Without a Home
- yi On a hajm
- yi On a haym
- Regie
- Marten, Aleksander
- Drehbuch
- Kacyzne, Alter
- Kamera
- Jonilowicz, Jakob
- Produktion
- Goskind, Saul
- Zusammenfassung
- en This, the last Yiddish feature film made in Poland before Word War II, is the story of the hardships faced by immigrants in America at the turn of the century. After the eldest son of the Rivkin family is drowned, the father leaves his family in Europe to go to America. (NCJF)
- en The last Yiddish feature made in Poland before WWII, this 1939 film is based on a 1907 play by the prolific playwright Jacob Gordin. (TMDB)