- Zusammenfassung
Täglich besucht Herr Zwilling in den Abendstunden die 90jährige Frau Zuckermann. Man spricht über frühere Zeiten, das gemeinsam Erlebte, über Politik und Literatur und die alltäglichen Sorgen. Mit ihren Erinnerungen verknüpft der Film Episoden aus dem jüdischen Leben im heutigen Czernowitz, das sich mit Ende der Sowjetunion erstmalig wieder regt. (TMDB)
In the west of Ukraine, not far from the border to Romania, there is a faraway European city: Czernowitz. It was once the centre of Jewish culture in the Bukowina, a border area characterized over centuries by a multi-cultural mixture of peoples. Here, Ukrainians, Poles, Romanians, Germans and Jews lived side by side.
Volker Koepp’s film focuses on Mr. Zwilling and Mrs. Zuckermann, two of the last few Jews born in the old Czernowitz. They share a friendship but also their love for the German language. Mr. Zwilling visits 90-year-old Mrs. Zuckermann daily in the early hours of the evening. They talk about old times, about shared events, about politics and literature and the worries of everyday life. (TMDB)