Blood in the face
- Originaltitel
- Blood in the face
- Produktionsland
- US
- Jahr der Veröffentlichung
- 1991
- Genre
- de Dokumentarfilm
- en documentary film
- Sprache
- en
- Dauer (in Minuten)
- 78
- Alternativer Titel
- Blood in the Face
- de Blood in the Face
- en Blood in the face
- Kamera
- Rafferty, Kevin
- Produktionsfirma
- Right Thinking
- Darsteller*innen
- Rockwell, George Lincoln
- Black, Don
- Robb, Thomas
- Miles, Robert E.
- Frazier Glenn Miller (Jr.)
- Moore, Michael
- Ridgeway, James
- Rafferty, Kevin
- Bohlen, Anne
- Duke, David
- Miles, Robert E.
- Black, Don
- Robb, Thom
- Moher, Jack
- Poe, Allen
- Taylor, John Ross
- Pierce, Bruce Carroll
- Berg, Alan
- Miller, Glen
- Crawford, Jarah B.
- Butler, Richard
- Pierce, William Luther
- Heß, Rudolf
- Hitler, Adolf
- Schlagworte
- de Rassismus in den Vereinigten Staaten
- en racism in the United States
- Gattung
- Non-Fiction
- Zusammenfassung
- en An expose of the beliefs, history, and personalities of American White Supremacist groups, including neo-Nazis, fascists, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Aryan Nation. Footage includes interviews, as well as the supremacist's own promotional material. Subject discussed include the loss of America to the "colored" races, the imminent racial bloodbath, interracial breeding, prejudice, the Holocaust, Jesus, Christianity, Jews, the Bible, and illegal immigrants who enter the country with nuclear bombs strapped to their backs. (TMDB)