Spielberg, Steven
- Name
- Spielberg, Steven
- Namensvarianten
- Steven Allan Spielberg
- Steven Spielrock
- Стивен Спилберг
- Steve Spielberg
- Στίβεν Σπίλμπεργκ
- Sṭivn Shpilberg
- Стівен Спілберг
- Стивън Спилбърг
- Stiven Spilberg
- Geboren
- 18. Dezember 1946
- Geburtsort
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Cincinnati
- Beschreibung
- de US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur, -produzent und Drehbuchautor
- en American filmmaker (born 1946)
- de Filmregisseur; Filmproduzent; Regisseur
- Thema von
- Oskar Schindler and his list : the man, the book, the film, the Holocaust and its survivors
- Holocaust movies and the politics of collective memory.
- For and against the "Bilderverbot" : the rhetoric of "unpresentability" and remediated "authenticity" in the German reception of Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
- Ilan Ziv, "Tango of Slaves"; Andrzej Wajda, "Korczak"; Steven Spielberg, "Schindler's List".
- Frammenti del grande codice : l'anima ebraica di Steven Spielberg.
- Spielberg's Oskar : Hollywood tries evil.
- Zagłada : źródła pamięci.
- Todeslisten - Lebenslisten.
- The "Schindler's List" effect.
- Working through the Holocaust blockbuster : "Schindler's List" and "Hitler's Willing Executioners", globally and locally.
- The great taboo broken : reflections on the Israeli reception of "Schindler's List".
- Balanced truth : Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" among history, memory, and popular culture.
- "Schindler's List" : a personal Kierkegaardian reflection on the nature of the ethical.
- La Shoah ne fut pas un spectacle : à propos de "La Liste de Schindler" de Steven Spielberg.
- Schindler returns to open arms : "Schindler's List" in Germany and Austria.
- The image lingers : the feminization of the Jew in "Schindler's List".
- Pain and pleasure in poetic representations of the Holocaust.
- Why we fought : Holocaust memory in Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan".
- Watching "Schindler's List" : not the last word.
- Schindlers Liste und Spielbergs Tücke...
- Schindler : le badge d'or.
- Le traumatisme historique au cinéma : entre constat et performance.
- "Schindler's List" in novel and film : exponential conversion.
- Der Aufschub des Erzählens : Überlegungen zu "Holocaust" und "Schindlers Liste".
- Entre l'Holocauste et l'épouvante : "La Liste de Schindler".
- Narration and the embodiment of power in "Schindler's List".
- A dissent on "Schindler's List".
- The living dead of George Romero and Steven Spielberg : America, the Holocaust and the figure of the zombie.
- Was darf die Kunst? Alles? : Anmerkungen zu Steven Spielbergs "Schindlers Liste".
- Schindler's List : un nuovo linguaggio.
- Holocaust, movies and remembrance - the pedagogical challenge.
- "Schindler's List" is not "Shoah" : the second commandment, popular modernism, and public memory.
- "Schindlers Liste" : eine Parabel des kollektiven Narzissmus.
- The cinema animal : on Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
- Bande dessinée et assassinat dans la chambre à gaz.
- Recalling the Holocaust : Lanzmann's "Shoah" and Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
- Reconstructing the collective memory : visual history and representations of the Holocaust in selected works of Steven Spielberg.
- But is it good for the Jews? Spielberg's Schindler and the aesthetics of atrocity.
- "Schindler's List" - Spielberg's homecoming.
- "Schindler's List" and Schindler : the movie and the documentary.
- Handlungsfolgen - moralische Schlüsse aus Narrativen Schliessungen : populäre Visualisierungen des Holocaust.
- "Against all odds" or the will to survive : moral conclusions from narrative closure.
- Anathema : der Holocaust und das Bilderverbot.
- Von Effekten des Authentischen - "Schindlers Liste" : Film und Holocaust.
- Obrazy i klisze : między biegunami wizualnej pamięci zagłady
- "You cannot look at this" : thresholds of unrepresentability in Holocaust film.
- Between obsession and amnesia : reflections on the French reception of "Schindler's List".
- Entscheidungen.
- Schindlers Liste Revisited oder "Den Holocaust Lehren"?.
- Holocaust others : Spielberg's "Schindler's List" versus Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- Nuit sur la terre : la représentation des chambres à gaz à l'écran.
- What "Schindler" missed.
- A reel witness : Steven Spielberg's representation of the Holocaust in "Schindler's List".
- "Herr Direktor" : biography and autobiography in "Schindler's List".
- Affective historiography : Schindler's List, melodrama and historical representation.
- Sophie’s voice? : dark intertexts of "The BFG".
- The ethics of perspective and the Holocaust archive : "Spielberg's List", "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and "Fateless".
- What kind of memory? : Reflections on images of the Holocaust.
- Schindler, Germans and other nomads : the state against society.
- "Schindler's List" : one + one.
- The reception of Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" in the German media.
- Steven Spielbergs Film "Schindlers Liste", "based on the novel by Thomas Keneally".
- Politica, memoria, identità : la ricezione italiana di "Holocaust" e "Schindler's List".
- "Schindler's List" : history, horror, and the monstrous.
- Auschwitz ne se raconte pas.
- The black, white, and gray zones of "Schindler's List"; Steven Spielberg with Primo Levi.
- "La lista de Schindler" en su 25 aniversario.
- "Der gute Deutsche".
- Erzählstrategische Funktionen der Filmmusik in "Schindlers Liste".
- Den Toten ein Gesicht geben? : Zum Problem der ästhetischen Individualisierung in "Schindlers Liste" und der "Holocaust"-Serie.
- Docu-dramas - oder, die Sehnsucht nach der "Authentizität" : Rückblicke auf "Holocaust" von Marvin Chomsky und "Schindlers Liste" von Steven Spielberg.
- "Schindlers Liste" und das (Nicht-)Zeigen des nicht Zeigbaren : Nachbemerkungen zu Steven Spielbergs Film.
- Schindler's discourse : America discusses the Holocaust and its mediation, from NBC's miniseries to Spielberg's film.
- Patriarchy, objectification, and violence against women in "Schindler's List" and "Angry Harvest".
- "Schindler's List"'s Holocaust.
- The shadows of catastrophe; towards an ethics of representation in films by Antin, Eisenberg, and Spielberg.
- Public memory and active recall in two Holocaust films : "Partisans of Vilna" (1986) and "Come and See" (1985).
- Szlak "listy schindlera" : turystyka filmowa w Krakowie.
- After the carnival : the filmic prosaics of "Schindler's List".
- Erindringens økonomi : Schindlers Liste og den europæiske jødeforfølgelse.
- The Holocaust, film and education.
- Nachwort (zu einem "Abschlussbericht").
- Happy-End mit guten Deutschen : Anmerkungen zur Rezeption von Steven Spielbergs "Schindlers Liste" und Peter Weiss' "Ermittlung".
- The tale of a good German : reflections on the German reception of "Schindler's List".
- Go down to L.A. Land : Hollywood and God's New Israel.
- The invented and the real : historiographical notes on "Schindler's List".
- Prints of denial.
- Schindler's film.
- La lista di Dio : mondo yiddish e cinema americano.
- Every once in a while : "Schindler's List" and the shaping of history.
- המתים החיים של ג'ורג' רומרו וסטיבן שפילברג : אמריקה, השואה ודמותו של הזומבי.
- Identisch mit
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8877
- https://www.themoviedb.org/person/488
- https://www.filmportal.de/e79db6a43390423f82b937d53821f62e
- https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000229
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Spielberg
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Spielberg
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Steven_Spielberg
- https://lobid.org/gnd/118812068
- https://id.loc.gov/rwo/agents/n79148103
- https://viaf.org/viaf/111553324
- https://d-nb.info/gnd/118812068/about
- https://d-nb.info/gnd/172381533
- https://d-nb.info/gnd/185808204
- https://data.judaicalink.org/data/gnd/118812068
- https://dbpedia.org/resource/Steven_Spielberg
- https://isni.org/isni/0000000121478992
- https://kalliope-verbund.info/gnd/118812068
- https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/person/gnd/118812068