Spielberg, Steven


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Spielberg, Steven
Steven Allan Spielberg
Steven Spielrock
Стивен Спилберг
Steve Spielberg
Στίβεν Σπίλμπεργκ
Sṭivn Shpilberg
Стівен Спілберг
Стивън Спилбърг
Stiven Spilberg
18. Dezember 1946
Cincinnati, Ohio
de US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur, -produzent und Drehbuchautor
en American filmmaker (born 1946)
de Filmregisseur; Filmproduzent; Regisseur
Weiterer Filmstab
The Last Days
Band of brothers
Thema von
Oskar Schindler and his list : the man, the book, the film, the Holocaust and its survivors
Holocaust movies and the politics of collective memory.
For and against the "Bilderverbot" : the rhetoric of "unpresentability" and remediated "authenticity" in the German reception of Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
Ilan Ziv, "Tango of Slaves"; Andrzej Wajda, "Korczak"; Steven Spielberg, "Schindler's List".
Frammenti del grande codice : l'anima ebraica di Steven Spielberg.
Spielberg's Oskar : Hollywood tries evil.
Zagłada : źródła pamięci.
Todeslisten - Lebenslisten.
The "Schindler's List" effect.
Working through the Holocaust blockbuster : "Schindler's List" and "Hitler's Willing Executioners", globally and locally.
The great taboo broken : reflections on the Israeli reception of "Schindler's List".
Balanced truth : Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" among history, memory, and popular culture.
"Schindler's List" : a personal Kierkegaardian reflection on the nature of the ethical.
La Shoah ne fut pas un spectacle : à propos de "La Liste de Schindler" de Steven Spielberg.
Schindler returns to open arms : "Schindler's List" in Germany and Austria.
The image lingers : the feminization of the Jew in "Schindler's List".
Pain and pleasure in poetic representations of the Holocaust.
Why we fought : Holocaust memory in Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan".
Watching "Schindler's List" : not the last word.
Schindlers Liste und Spielbergs Tücke...
Schindler : le badge d'or.
Le traumatisme historique au cinéma : entre constat et performance.
"Schindler's List" in novel and film : exponential conversion.
Der Aufschub des Erzählens : Überlegungen zu "Holocaust" und "Schindlers Liste".
Entre l'Holocauste et l'épouvante : "La Liste de Schindler".
Narration and the embodiment of power in "Schindler's List".
A dissent on "Schindler's List".
The living dead of George Romero and Steven Spielberg : America, the Holocaust and the figure of the zombie.
Was darf die Kunst? Alles? : Anmerkungen zu Steven Spielbergs "Schindlers Liste".
Schindler's List : un nuovo linguaggio.
Holocaust, movies and remembrance - the pedagogical challenge.
"Schindler's List" is not "Shoah" : the second commandment, popular modernism, and public memory.
"Schindlers Liste" : eine Parabel des kollektiven Narzissmus.
The cinema animal : on Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
Bande dessinée et assassinat dans la chambre à gaz.
Recalling the Holocaust : Lanzmann's "Shoah" and Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
Reconstructing the collective memory : visual history and representations of the Holocaust in selected works of Steven Spielberg.
But is it good for the Jews? Spielberg's Schindler and the aesthetics of atrocity.
"Schindler's List" - Spielberg's homecoming.
"Schindler's List" and Schindler : the movie and the documentary.
Handlungsfolgen - moralische Schlüsse aus Narrativen Schliessungen : populäre Visualisierungen des Holocaust.
"Against all odds" or the will to survive : moral conclusions from narrative closure.
Anathema : der Holocaust und das Bilderverbot.
Von Effekten des Authentischen - "Schindlers Liste" : Film und Holocaust.
Obrazy i klisze : między biegunami wizualnej pamięci zagłady
"You cannot look at this" : thresholds of unrepresentability in Holocaust film.
Between obsession and amnesia : reflections on the French reception of "Schindler's List".
Schindlers Liste Revisited oder "Den Holocaust Lehren"?.
Holocaust others : Spielberg's "Schindler's List" versus Lanzmann's "Shoah".
Nuit sur la terre : la représentation des chambres à gaz à l'écran.
What "Schindler" missed.
A reel witness : Steven Spielberg's representation of the Holocaust in "Schindler's List".
"Herr Direktor" : biography and autobiography in "Schindler's List".
Affective historiography : Schindler's List, melodrama and historical representation.
Sophie’s voice? : dark intertexts of "The BFG".
The ethics of perspective and the Holocaust archive : "Spielberg's List", "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and "Fateless".
What kind of memory? : Reflections on images of the Holocaust.
Schindler, Germans and other nomads : the state against society.
"Schindler's List" : one + one.
The reception of Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" in the German media.
Steven Spielbergs Film "Schindlers Liste", "based on the novel by Thomas Keneally".
Politica, memoria, identità : la ricezione italiana di "Holocaust" e "Schindler's List".
"Schindler's List" : history, horror, and the monstrous.
Auschwitz ne se raconte pas.
The black, white, and gray zones of "Schindler's List"; Steven Spielberg with Primo Levi.
"La lista de Schindler" en su 25 aniversario.
"Der gute Deutsche".
Erzählstrategische Funktionen der Filmmusik in "Schindlers Liste".
Den Toten ein Gesicht geben? : Zum Problem der ästhetischen Individualisierung in "Schindlers Liste" und der "Holocaust"-Serie.
Docu-dramas - oder, die Sehnsucht nach der "Authentizität" : Rückblicke auf "Holocaust" von Marvin Chomsky und "Schindlers Liste" von Steven Spielberg.
"Schindlers Liste" und das (Nicht-)Zeigen des nicht Zeigbaren : Nachbemerkungen zu Steven Spielbergs Film.
Schindler's discourse : America discusses the Holocaust and its mediation, from NBC's miniseries to Spielberg's film.
Patriarchy, objectification, and violence against women in "Schindler's List" and "Angry Harvest".
"Schindler's List"'s Holocaust.
The shadows of catastrophe; towards an ethics of representation in films by Antin, Eisenberg, and Spielberg.
Public memory and active recall in two Holocaust films : "Partisans of Vilna" (1986) and "Come and See" (1985).
Szlak "listy schindlera" : turystyka filmowa w Krakowie.
After the carnival : the filmic prosaics of "Schindler's List".
Erindringens økonomi : Schindlers Liste og den europæiske jødeforfølgelse.
The Holocaust, film and education.
Nachwort (zu einem "Abschlussbericht").
Happy-End mit guten Deutschen : Anmerkungen zur Rezeption von Steven Spielbergs "Schindlers Liste" und Peter Weiss' "Ermittlung".
The tale of a good German : reflections on the German reception of "Schindler's List".
Go down to L.A. Land : Hollywood and God's New Israel.
The invented and the real : historiographical notes on "Schindler's List".
Prints of denial.
Schindler's film.
La lista di Dio : mondo yiddish e cinema americano.
Every once in a while : "Schindler's List" and the shaping of history.
המתים החיים של ג'ורג' רומרו וסטיבן שפילברג : אמריקה, השואה ודמותו של הזומבי.