Lanzmann, Claude


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Lanzmann, Claude
Ḳlod Lantsman
קלוד לנצמן
27. November 1925
5. Juli 2018
12. Arrondissement von Paris
de französischer Filmregisseur
en French journalist, film director, writer and screenwriter (1925-2018)
de Schriftsteller; Journalist; Regisseur; Filmschaffender; Philosoph
Thema von
Holocaust movies and the politics of collective memory.
Narrative subject, historic subject : "Shoah" and "La Place de l'Etoile".
Godard et la Shoah.
Visual literacy and the Holocaust.
Devenir Karski : l'usage des interviews filmées.
"Shoah", documentaire, œuvre d'art et fiction du réel.
Le Judenrat à l'épreuve du principe de Maïmonide sur "Le dernier des injustes", de Claude Lanzmann.
"Shoah" : das Undarstellbare und Darstellbare in Claude Lanzmanns Film über den Holocaust.
Shoah at the scene of the crime : what Poland forgot.
Fiction of the real : "Shoah" and documentary.
"Shoah's" absence.
Imagens do horror : paixões tristes.
Death and the image.
Composing with incompossibles : the Jewish council, the "Kasztner train," and the making of "Shoah".
Un journaliste des profondeurs.
"Shoah" di Claude Lanzmann o della passione rivissuta.
A study of attitudes of viewers of the film "Shoah" towards an incident of mass murder by Israeli soldiers (Kfar Kassem, 1956).
Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" and the intentionality of the image.
La giustezza è il fardello di chi viene dopo : a proposito di "Shoah" di Claude Lanzmann.
O pewnym chłopskim geście : od rabacji do Zagłady.
Autour de "Shoah" : nommer, dé-nommer, métaphoriser.
Au sujet de "Shoah".
Les films de Claude Lanzmann.
"Soah" and the machinery of death.
Le lieu malgré tout.
Les représentations de la Sho'ah à l'écran : l'exemple français.
Double occupancy and delay : "The Last of the Unjust" and the archive.
"Shoah" et la résistance.
Some reflections on Claude Lanzmann's approach to the examination of the Holocaust.
Film as witness : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
The return of the voice : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
À l'âge du témoignage : "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
Le traumatisme historique au cinéma : entre constat et performance.
"Shoah", un film unique : l'histoire et la mémoire.
"Shoah" : histoire et mémoire.
"Shoah", by Claude Lanzmann.
Problems of representation : Simon Srebnik and the strategies of reenactment in Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
La trace, l'archive, l'imaginaire.
La Shoah comme discriminant esthétique.
Called to witness : viewing Lanzmann's "Shoah".
The languages of pain in "Shoah".
Viewing memory through "Night and Fog", "The Sorrow and the Pity" and "Shoah".
Jan Karski remembered : reflections on the Shoah hero by a former student and renowned numismatist.
The unspeakable stories of "Shoah" and "Beloved".
The life of death : "Shoah" - a film by Claude Lanzmann.
Israel through the viewfinder : Claude Lanzmann and Susan Sontag film the Jewish state.
Holocaust, movies and remembrance - the pedagogical challenge.
Bande dessinée et assassinat dans la chambre à gaz.
Recalling the Holocaust : Lanzmann's "Shoah" and Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
"Einen ewigen Namen will ich ihnen geben…" : Claude Lanzmanns Film "Shoah".
Afterimages : post-Holocaust, posttraumatic, and postcolonial cinemas.
Gendered translations : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
L'écriture Shoah.
Reflections on Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
Voir ("Shoah").
"Shoah" as cinema.
Les noms de la Shoah et la fiction du réel : sur "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
The Persistence of the witness : Claude Lanzmann’s "The Last of the Unjust".
The ambiguous task of the interpreter in Lanzmann's films "Shoah" and "Sobibor" : between the director and survivors of the camps and ghettos.
The ambiguous task of the interpreter in Lanzmann's films "Shoah" and "Sobibor" : between the director and survivors of the camps and ghettos.
Lanzmann's "Shoah" and its audience.
The angel of forgetfulness and the black box of facticity : trauma and memory in Claude Lanzmann's film "Shoah".
Die ästhetische Transformation der Vorstellung vom Unvorstellbaren : Anmerkungen zu Claude Lanzmanns Film "Shoah".
Anathema : der Holocaust und das Bilderverbot.
Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
Benjamin Murmelstein, a man from the "Town 'as if'" : a discussion of Claude Lanzmann's film "The Last of the Unjust" (France/Austria, 2013).
The Judenräte and the Nazi racial policies : ethical issues in Claude Lanzmann's "Last of the Unjust" (2013).
Obrazy i klisze : między biegunami wizualnej pamięci zagłady
Lanzmann's "Shoah" : "here there is no why".
Exploring the etiology of a Jewish homeland : when Claude Lanzmann visited Israel.
"You cannot look at this" : thresholds of unrepresentability in Holocaust film.
La forteresse et l'aveu : à propos d'"Un vivant qui passe" de Claude Lanzmann.
Versuch über das Makabre : zu Curzio Malapartes "Kaputt".
Holocaust others : Spielberg's "Schindler's List" versus Lanzmann's "Shoah".
Nuit sur la terre : la représentation des chambres à gaz à l'écran.
"Shoah" - généalogie d'un nom, histoire d'une négation.
Le nom juif.
L'événement Shoah.
Le nom juif dans "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
Aktion und Tat/Action et acte dans "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
The voice of the perpetrator, the voices of the survivors.
In search of Suchomel in "Shoah" : examining Claude Lanzmann's postproduction editing practice.
Introduction : inventing according to the truth - the long arc of Lanzmann's "Shoah".
Savoir et non savoir en question.
A speck of dust blown by the wind across land and desert : images of the Holocaust in Lanzmann, Singer, and Appelfeld.
Lanzmann's "Shoah" and the topography of the Holocaust film.
Closely watched trains.
Survivre, transmettre.
Strong nerves and German irony.
A journey into the unreal : visiting and photographing Theresienstadt, 23 June 1944.
Politica, memoria, identità : la ricezione italiana di "Holocaust" e "Schindler's List".
The real Abraham Bomba : through Claude Lanzmann's looking glass.
Interpreting the visible traces of Theresienstadt.
Le fil des contes sur "Le Dernier des injustes".
Le fil des contes sur "Le Dernier des injustes".
"Shoah" ou la fiction du réel.
The perpetrators' testimonies in "Shoah".
The writing of the Holocaust : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
Zur Struktur des Dokumentarischen : Claude Lanzmenns "Shoah".
The gender of testimony : Ruth Elias and the challenge to Lanzmann's paradigm of witnessing.
Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 heures.
History, memory, fiction in French cinema.
Attorno a un capolavoro : annotazione su "Shoah" di Claude Lanzmann.
"The dead are not around" : Raul Hilberg as historical revenant in "Shoah".
Entre quatre et cinq heures du soir, entre "Shoah" et "Tsahal".
Shoah : de la question juive à la question polonaise.
Distributing "Shoah".
Claude Lanzmann : les nazis et le déni.
Representing the Einsatzgruppen : the outtakes of Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
"Shoah" and the archive.
Complicity versus cooperation : Zygmunt Bauman's "Modernity and the Holocaust" and Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" and its outtakes.
Supplementing "Shoah" : Claude Lanzmann's "The Karski Report" and "The Last of the Unjust".
Supplementing "Shoah" : Claude Lanzmann's "The Karski Report" and "The Last of the Unjust".
Claude Lanzmanns "Shoah" und James Molls "Die letzten Tage" : psychotraumatologische Analysen von Bearbeitungen der Shoah im Film.
Claude Lanzmanns "Shoah" : eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Styx.
Yehuda Lerner's living words : translation and transcription in "Sobibór", October 14, 1943, 4 p.m.
Emotionen, Körper, Mythen : Lanzmann interviewt Murmelstein.
"They were killing us and we were singing" : the role of song in Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" outtakes.
Dante's hell : absorbing Lanzmann's "Shoah".
Inside the outtakes : a history of the Claude Lanzmann "Shoah" Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
The vicarious witness : belated memory and authorial presence in recent Holocaust literature.
Challenging "Shoah"'s paradigms of witnessing and survival : from Filip Müller to Ruth Elias.
שניהם שונאים את ספילברג : על היחס לדימוי הקולנועי, להיזכרות ולעדות אצל גודאר ולנצמן.
בעידן העדות : "שואה" של קלוד לנצמן.
שואה : סרט והיסטוריה.
ה"פופולריזציה" - ערך מוסף או תועבה? בעקבות הסרטים "שואה" ו"רשימת שינדלר".
מעבר למיסמך : על סרטו של קלוד לנצמן "שואה".