Lanzmann, Claude
- Name
- Lanzmann, Claude
- Namensvarianten
- Ḳlod Lantsman
- קלוד לנצמן
- Geboren
- 27. November 1925
- Geburtsort
- Paris
- Bois-Colombes
- Gestorben
- 5. Juli 2018
- Sterbeort
- Paris
- 12. Arrondissement von Paris
- Beschreibung
- de französischer Filmregisseur
- en French journalist, film director, writer and screenwriter (1925-2018)
- de Schriftsteller; Journalist; Regisseur; Filmschaffender; Philosoph
- Produktion
- Shoah
- Thema von
- Holocaust movies and the politics of collective memory.
- Narrative subject, historic subject : "Shoah" and "La Place de l'Etoile".
- Godard et la Shoah.
- Visual literacy and the Holocaust.
- Devenir Karski : l'usage des interviews filmées.
- "Shoah", documentaire, œuvre d'art et fiction du réel.
- Le Judenrat à l'épreuve du principe de Maïmonide sur "Le dernier des injustes", de Claude Lanzmann.
- "Shoah" : das Undarstellbare und Darstellbare in Claude Lanzmanns Film über den Holocaust.
- Shoah at the scene of the crime : what Poland forgot.
- Fiction of the real : "Shoah" and documentary.
- "Shoah's" absence.
- Imagens do horror : paixões tristes.
- Death and the image.
- Composing with incompossibles : the Jewish council, the "Kasztner train," and the making of "Shoah".
- Un journaliste des profondeurs.
- "Shoah" di Claude Lanzmann o della passione rivissuta.
- A study of attitudes of viewers of the film "Shoah" towards an incident of mass murder by Israeli soldiers (Kfar Kassem, 1956).
- Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" and the intentionality of the image.
- La giustezza è il fardello di chi viene dopo : a proposito di "Shoah" di Claude Lanzmann.
- O pewnym chłopskim geście : od rabacji do Zagłady.
- Autour de "Shoah" : nommer, dé-nommer, métaphoriser.
- Au sujet de "Shoah".
- Les films de Claude Lanzmann.
- "Soah" and the machinery of death.
- Le lieu malgré tout.
- Les représentations de la Sho'ah à l'écran : l'exemple français.
- Double occupancy and delay : "The Last of the Unjust" and the archive.
- "Shoah" et la résistance.
- Some reflections on Claude Lanzmann's approach to the examination of the Holocaust.
- Film as witness : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- The return of the voice : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- À l'âge du témoignage : "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
- Le traumatisme historique au cinéma : entre constat et performance.
- "Shoah", un film unique : l'histoire et la mémoire.
- "Shoah" : histoire et mémoire.
- "Shoah", by Claude Lanzmann.
- Problems of representation : Simon Srebnik and the strategies of reenactment in Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- La trace, l'archive, l'imaginaire.
- La Shoah comme discriminant esthétique.
- Called to witness : viewing Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- The languages of pain in "Shoah".
- Viewing memory through "Night and Fog", "The Sorrow and the Pity" and "Shoah".
- Jan Karski remembered : reflections on the Shoah hero by a former student and renowned numismatist.
- The unspeakable stories of "Shoah" and "Beloved".
- The life of death : "Shoah" - a film by Claude Lanzmann.
- Israel through the viewfinder : Claude Lanzmann and Susan Sontag film the Jewish state.
- Holocaust, movies and remembrance - the pedagogical challenge.
- Bande dessinée et assassinat dans la chambre à gaz.
- Recalling the Holocaust : Lanzmann's "Shoah" and Spielberg's "Schindler's List".
- "Einen ewigen Namen will ich ihnen geben…" : Claude Lanzmanns Film "Shoah".
- Afterimages : post-Holocaust, posttraumatic, and postcolonial cinemas.
- Gendered translations : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- L'écriture Shoah.
- Reflections on Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- Voir ("Shoah").
- "Shoah" as cinema.
- Les noms de la Shoah et la fiction du réel : sur "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
- The Persistence of the witness : Claude Lanzmann’s "The Last of the Unjust".
- The ambiguous task of the interpreter in Lanzmann's films "Shoah" and "Sobibor" : between the director and survivors of the camps and ghettos.
- The ambiguous task of the interpreter in Lanzmann's films "Shoah" and "Sobibor" : between the director and survivors of the camps and ghettos.
- Lanzmann's "Shoah" and its audience.
- The angel of forgetfulness and the black box of facticity : trauma and memory in Claude Lanzmann's film "Shoah".
- Die ästhetische Transformation der Vorstellung vom Unvorstellbaren : Anmerkungen zu Claude Lanzmanns Film "Shoah".
- Anathema : der Holocaust und das Bilderverbot.
- Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
- Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
- Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
- Through the auteur's eyes : an appreciation of the life and cinematic art of Claude Lanzmann, 1925-2018.
- Benjamin Murmelstein, a man from the "Town 'as if'" : a discussion of Claude Lanzmann's film "The Last of the Unjust" (France/Austria, 2013).
- The Judenräte and the Nazi racial policies : ethical issues in Claude Lanzmann's "Last of the Unjust" (2013).
- Obrazy i klisze : między biegunami wizualnej pamięci zagłady
- Lanzmann's "Shoah" : "here there is no why".
- Exploring the etiology of a Jewish homeland : when Claude Lanzmann visited Israel.
- "You cannot look at this" : thresholds of unrepresentability in Holocaust film.
- La forteresse et l'aveu : à propos d'"Un vivant qui passe" de Claude Lanzmann.
- Introduction.
- Versuch über das Makabre : zu Curzio Malapartes "Kaputt".
- Holocaust others : Spielberg's "Schindler's List" versus Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- Nuit sur la terre : la représentation des chambres à gaz à l'écran.
- "Shoah" - généalogie d'un nom, histoire d'une négation.
- Le nom juif.
- L'événement Shoah.
- Le nom juif dans "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
- Aktion und Tat/Action et acte dans "Shoah" de Claude Lanzmann.
- The voice of the perpetrator, the voices of the survivors.
- In search of Suchomel in "Shoah" : examining Claude Lanzmann's postproduction editing practice.
- Introduction : inventing according to the truth - the long arc of Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- Savoir et non savoir en question.
- A speck of dust blown by the wind across land and desert : images of the Holocaust in Lanzmann, Singer, and Appelfeld.
- Lanzmann's "Shoah" and the topography of the Holocaust film.
- Closely watched trains.
- Survivre, transmettre.
- Strong nerves and German irony.
- A journey into the unreal : visiting and photographing Theresienstadt, 23 June 1944.
- Politica, memoria, identità : la ricezione italiana di "Holocaust" e "Schindler's List".
- The real Abraham Bomba : through Claude Lanzmann's looking glass.
- Interpreting the visible traces of Theresienstadt.
- Le fil des contes sur "Le Dernier des injustes".
- Le fil des contes sur "Le Dernier des injustes".
- "Shoah" ou la fiction du réel.
- The perpetrators' testimonies in "Shoah".
- The writing of the Holocaust : Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- Zur Struktur des Dokumentarischen : Claude Lanzmenns "Shoah".
- The gender of testimony : Ruth Elias and the challenge to Lanzmann's paradigm of witnessing.
- Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 heures.
- History, memory, fiction in French cinema.
- Attorno a un capolavoro : annotazione su "Shoah" di Claude Lanzmann.
- "The dead are not around" : Raul Hilberg as historical revenant in "Shoah".
- Entre quatre et cinq heures du soir, entre "Shoah" et "Tsahal".
- Shoah : de la question juive à la question polonaise.
- Distributing "Shoah".
- Claude Lanzmann : les nazis et le déni.
- Representing the Einsatzgruppen : the outtakes of Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- "Shoah" and the archive.
- Complicity versus cooperation : Zygmunt Bauman's "Modernity and the Holocaust" and Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" and its outtakes.
- Supplementing "Shoah" : Claude Lanzmann's "The Karski Report" and "The Last of the Unjust".
- Supplementing "Shoah" : Claude Lanzmann's "The Karski Report" and "The Last of the Unjust".
- Claude Lanzmanns "Shoah" und James Molls "Die letzten Tage" : psychotraumatologische Analysen von Bearbeitungen der Shoah im Film.
- Claude Lanzmanns "Shoah" : eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Styx.
- Yehuda Lerner's living words : translation and transcription in "Sobibór", October 14, 1943, 4 p.m.
- "Shoah".
- Emotionen, Körper, Mythen : Lanzmann interviewt Murmelstein.
- "They were killing us and we were singing" : the role of song in Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah" outtakes.
- Dante's hell : absorbing Lanzmann's "Shoah".
- Inside the outtakes : a history of the Claude Lanzmann "Shoah" Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- The vicarious witness : belated memory and authorial presence in recent Holocaust literature.
- Challenging "Shoah"'s paradigms of witnessing and survival : from Filip Müller to Ruth Elias.
- שניהם שונאים את ספילברג : על היחס לדימוי הקולנועי, להיזכרות ולעדות אצל גודאר ולנצמן.
- בעידן העדות : "שואה" של קלוד לנצמן.
- שואה : סרט והיסטוריה.
- ה"פופולריזציה" - ערך מוסף או תועבה? בעקבות הסרטים "שואה" ו"רשימת שינדלר".
- מעבר למיסמך : על סרטו של קלוד לנצמן "שואה".
- Identisch mit