Allen, Woody


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Allen, Woody
Allen Stewart Konigsberg
Heywood Allen
Allan Stewart Konigsberg
Allen Stewart Koenigsberg
Allen S. Konigsberg
30. November 1935
1. Dezember 1935
New York, NY
de US-amerikanischer Regisseur, Drehbuchautor, Autor, Schauspieler und Komiker
en American film director, screenwriter, writer, actor and comedian
de Regisseur; Filmregisseur; Schauspieler; Drehbuchautor
Thema von
Digesting Woody : food and foodways in the movies of Woody Allen.
Portrait of the artist as an un-American intellectual.
Neither here nor there.
"Now you see him, now you don't" : Woody Allen's vanishing act in "Scoop".
Woody l'eletto : ebrei e cristiani nei film di Woody Allen.
Strategien des Misslingens : Franz Kafka - Woody Allen.
"My worst fears realized" : Woody Allen and the Holocaust.
Self-deprecation and the Jewish humor of Woody Allen.
"We're both short Jews. That's where it ends" : the problematics of comparing Mel Brooks and Woody Allen.
Ethics and ethnicity in the plays of Arthur Miller.
The gospel according to Woody from "Annie Hall" through "To Rome with Love".
Jewish urban space in the films of Daniel Burman and Woody Allen.
Elmer Rice; liberation, and the great ethnic question.
Yiddish origins and Jewish-American transformations.
Woody Allen's Zelig complex.
Woody's women : Jewish domesticity and the unredeemed ghost of Hanukkah to come.
Woody's women : Jewish domesticity and the unredeemed ghost of Hanukkah to come.
The Jew as comic : Lenny Bruce, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen.
Woody Allen - theologian?.
Woody Allen and Jewish experience.
Woody Allen's schlemiel : from humble beginnings to an abrupt end.
Woody Allen's schlemiel : from humble beginnings to an abrupt end.
Woody Allen's schlemiel : from humble beginnings to an abrupt end.
Paddy Chayefsky's Jews and Jewish dialogues.
La messa in scena umoristica della coscienza ebraica.
When Chippewa Falls meets Manhattan.
Generations of the aftermath : the parodic mode.
Troubled Jew?.
The birth of a Hebrew tragedy "Cassandra's Dream" as a morality play in the context of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point".
The birth of a Hebrew tragedy "Cassandra's Dream" as a morality play in the context of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point".
The birth of a Hebrew tragedy "Cassandra's Dream" as a morality play in the context of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point".
Reconstructing Woody : representations of religious Jewish women in "Deconstructing Harry".
New York, New York : Grüße aus Woody Allens jüdischer Metropole.
Heckling the divine : Woody Allen, the Book of Job and Jewish theology after the Holocaust.
Woody Allen und die Juden : Willkommen im Club.
Woody Allen’s Broadway Danny Rose : dialoguing with Jewish tradition.
The Americanization of the Holocaust on stage and screen.
Existential themes in Woody Allen's "Crimes and Misdemeanors" with reference to "Annie Hall" and "Hannah and Her Sisters".
The Jew in stand-up comedy.
Lillian Hellman, "the first Jewish nun on Prytania Street".
No laughing matter : humor and the Holocaust in Woody Allen, Shalom Auslander, and Howard Jacobson.
A Jew leaves New York : Woody Allen's gloomy British angst.
A Jew leaves New York : Woody Allen's gloomy British angst.
Woody Allen; the neurotic Jew as American clown.
"Woody the gentile" : Christian-Jewish interplay in Allen's films from "What's New Pussycat?" to "Midnight in Paris".
Humour as a Jewish vocation and the work of Woody Allen.
Film and the flattening of Jewish-American fiction : Bernard Malamud, Woody Allen, and Spike Lee in the city.
The "mental comedies" of Saul Bellow.
Blowing up the Jewish mother : Philip Roth's "Portnoy's Complaint" and Woody Allen's "Oedipus Wrecks".
Mel Brooks and the cinema of exhaustion.
Figures de l'assimilation dans le cinéma juif américain : lecture du "Chanteur de jazz", "Hester Street", "Zelig".
Woody Allen : the relationship between the persona and its author.
The Catskills reinvented (and redeemed) : Woody Allen's "Broadway Danny Rose".
Yiddish theater and American theater.
Woody Allen; the failure of the therapeutic.
"Toot, toot, Tootsie! (Goodbye)" : disposable women in the films of Woody Allen.
Clifford Odets and the Jewish context.
Some intersections of Jews, music and theater.
Fanny Brice and Sophie Tucker; blending the particular with the universal.
The vanishing act; a typology of the Jew in the contemporary American film.
The subversion of the Jews : post-World War II anxiety, humor, and identity in Woody Allen and Philip Roth.
La leyenda de Woody Allen.
Neil Simon's Jewish-style comedies.
Jules Feiffer and the comedy of disenchantment.
זליג בארץ המראה - וודי אלן מחפש את יהדותו : מבט מחודש בסרטיו היהודיים של וודי אלן.