Allen, Woody
- Name
- Allen, Woody
- Namensvarianten
- Allen Stewart Konigsberg
- Heywood Allen
- Allan Stewart Konigsberg
- Allen Stewart Koenigsberg
- Allen S. Konigsberg
- Geboren
- 30. November 1935
- 1. Dezember 1935
- Geburtsort
- New York, NY
- Bronx
- Beschreibung
- de US-amerikanischer Regisseur, Drehbuchautor, Autor, Schauspieler und Komiker
- en American film director, screenwriter, writer, actor and comedian
- de Regisseur; Filmregisseur; Schauspieler; Drehbuchautor
- Thema von
- Digesting Woody : food and foodways in the movies of Woody Allen.
- Portrait of the artist as an un-American intellectual.
- Neither here nor there.
- "Now you see him, now you don't" : Woody Allen's vanishing act in "Scoop".
- Woody l'eletto : ebrei e cristiani nei film di Woody Allen.
- Strategien des Misslingens : Franz Kafka - Woody Allen.
- "My worst fears realized" : Woody Allen and the Holocaust.
- Self-deprecation and the Jewish humor of Woody Allen.
- "We're both short Jews. That's where it ends" : the problematics of comparing Mel Brooks and Woody Allen.
- Ethics and ethnicity in the plays of Arthur Miller.
- The gospel according to Woody from "Annie Hall" through "To Rome with Love".
- Jewish urban space in the films of Daniel Burman and Woody Allen.
- Elmer Rice; liberation, and the great ethnic question.
- Yiddish origins and Jewish-American transformations.
- Woody Allen's Zelig complex.
- Woody's women : Jewish domesticity and the unredeemed ghost of Hanukkah to come.
- Woody's women : Jewish domesticity and the unredeemed ghost of Hanukkah to come.
- The Jew as comic : Lenny Bruce, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen.
- Woody Allen - theologian?.
- Woody Allen and Jewish experience.
- Woody Allen's schlemiel : from humble beginnings to an abrupt end.
- Woody Allen's schlemiel : from humble beginnings to an abrupt end.
- Woody Allen's schlemiel : from humble beginnings to an abrupt end.
- Paddy Chayefsky's Jews and Jewish dialogues.
- La messa in scena umoristica della coscienza ebraica.
- When Chippewa Falls meets Manhattan.
- Generations of the aftermath : the parodic mode.
- Troubled Jew?.
- The birth of a Hebrew tragedy "Cassandra's Dream" as a morality play in the context of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point".
- The birth of a Hebrew tragedy "Cassandra's Dream" as a morality play in the context of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point".
- The birth of a Hebrew tragedy "Cassandra's Dream" as a morality play in the context of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point".
- Reconstructing Woody : representations of religious Jewish women in "Deconstructing Harry".
- New York, New York : Grüße aus Woody Allens jüdischer Metropole.
- Heckling the divine : Woody Allen, the Book of Job and Jewish theology after the Holocaust.
- Woody Allen und die Juden : Willkommen im Club.
- Woody Allen’s Broadway Danny Rose : dialoguing with Jewish tradition.
- The Americanization of the Holocaust on stage and screen.
- Existential themes in Woody Allen's "Crimes and Misdemeanors" with reference to "Annie Hall" and "Hannah and Her Sisters".
- The Jew in stand-up comedy.
- Lillian Hellman, "the first Jewish nun on Prytania Street".
- No laughing matter : humor and the Holocaust in Woody Allen, Shalom Auslander, and Howard Jacobson.
- A Jew leaves New York : Woody Allen's gloomy British angst.
- A Jew leaves New York : Woody Allen's gloomy British angst.
- Woody Allen; the neurotic Jew as American clown.
- "Woody the gentile" : Christian-Jewish interplay in Allen's films from "What's New Pussycat?" to "Midnight in Paris".
- Humour as a Jewish vocation and the work of Woody Allen.
- Film and the flattening of Jewish-American fiction : Bernard Malamud, Woody Allen, and Spike Lee in the city.
- The "mental comedies" of Saul Bellow.
- Blowing up the Jewish mother : Philip Roth's "Portnoy's Complaint" and Woody Allen's "Oedipus Wrecks".
- Mel Brooks and the cinema of exhaustion.
- Figures de l'assimilation dans le cinéma juif américain : lecture du "Chanteur de jazz", "Hester Street", "Zelig".
- Woody Allen : the relationship between the persona and its author.
- The Catskills reinvented (and redeemed) : Woody Allen's "Broadway Danny Rose".
- Yiddish theater and American theater.
- Woody Allen; the failure of the therapeutic.
- "Toot, toot, Tootsie! (Goodbye)" : disposable women in the films of Woody Allen.
- Clifford Odets and the Jewish context.
- Some intersections of Jews, music and theater.
- Fanny Brice and Sophie Tucker; blending the particular with the universal.
- The vanishing act; a typology of the Jew in the contemporary American film.
- The subversion of the Jews : post-World War II anxiety, humor, and identity in Woody Allen and Philip Roth.
- La leyenda de Woody Allen.
- Neil Simon's Jewish-style comedies.
- Jules Feiffer and the comedy of disenchantment.
- זליג בארץ המראה - וודי אלן מחפש את יהדותו : מבט מחודש בסרטיו היהודיים של וודי אלן.
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