NCJF Distribution Catalogue
- Titel
- NCJF Distribution Catalogue
- additionalType
- Verleihangebot
- Institution
- National Center for Jewish Film
- Umfasst
- The Yiddish cinema
- Menschliches Versagen
- None So Blind
- Breaking Home Ties
- Regentropfen
- Reisen ins Leben: Weiterleben nach einer Kindheit in Auschwitz
- The Immigrant
- Lissy
- The Last ChapterThe Last Chapter
- Ambulans
- The Pawnbroker
- The Front
- House of Rothschild
- Die weiße Rose
- Partisans of Vilna
- Les Commandos de la Mort
- Zlateh the Goat
- Angst
- The Inheritance
- The Hangman
- Ha-Miklachat
- Land of Promise
- נפרדנו כך
- Catskill Honeymoon
- Drei Tage im AprilDrei Tage im April
- Alle Juden raus!
- Eine blassblaue FrauenschriftEine blassblaue Frauenschrift
- Exodus
- Funny Girl
- Mahler auf der Couch
- Enemies, a Love Story
- Homicide
- The Young Lions
- Lies My Father Told Me
- Nicholas G. Winton - Sila l'udskosti
- Yizkor
- GripsholmGripsholm
- Nazi Concentration Camps
- God Does Not Believe in Us Anymore
- Santa Fe
- Welcome in Vienna
- Unzere Kinderאונדזערע קינדער
- Ha'taalumah Ba'meholah Ha'yerukah
- Ish HaHashmal
- His People
- Ich Vil Zeyn a Boarder
- The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg
- אני אוהב אותך רוזה
- הבית ברחוב שלוש
- Cohen's Fire Sale
- Brighton Beach Memoirs
- מבצע יונתן
- Lang ist der Weg
- Cohen on the Telephone
- Kazablan
- Mutters Courage
- Romance of a Jewess
- Mizrekh un MayrevOst und West
- Die Todesmühlen
- Ahava Mimabat Sheni
- המופע של בני זינגר
- Holy For Me
- My Brother's Wedding
- Punch Me in the Stomach
- Got, Mentsh un Tayvl
- Mig og Jøderiet
- Chariots of Fire
- The Yiddisher Boy
- Yankl der Shmid
- Rosenwald
- Kol Nidre
- Mirele Efros
- Fishke der Krumer
- Der Vilner Shtot Khazn
- How to Re-Establish a Vodka Empire
- Punk Jews
- Op zoek naar Joods Amsterdam
- American Matchmaker
- Comme Ton Pére
- The Past That Lives
- אנקל מאזעס;Uncle Moses
- Labyrinth
- צמות
- Als Großvater Rita Hayworth liebte
- Blood MoneyBlood Money
- A briwele der mamen
- Days of Memory
- Judgment at NurembergJudgment at Nuremberg
- FarewellПрощание
- On a Heym
- Long Fliv the King
- Frejleche kabzonim
- A Child of the Ghetto
- Hungry Hearts
- Affaire Blum
- Беня Крик
- Nosn Becker Fort Aheym
- Еврейское счастье
- Его превосходительство
- The Chosen
- BirobidzhanИскатели счастья
- Crossing Delancey
- Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker
- Товарищ Абрам
- 2 oder 3 Dinge, die ich von ihm weiß
- The Jazz Singer
- Amy
- Comme un juif en France, dans la joie ou la douleur
- Chronika Shel Ahava
- Nozel Ha-Hayim
- Cohen Saves the Flag
- Avodah
- The Struma
- Das schreckliche Mädchen
- Grine Felder
- Gruber's Journey
- Yidl mitn Fidlאידל מיטן פֿידל
- Zajn vajbs lubovnik
- Obchod na korzeObchod na korze
- La cámara oscuraLa cámara oscura
- La Dinde
- Island of Roses: The Jews of Rhodes in Los Angeles
- Cohen's Advertising Scheme
- Los judíos de patria española
- Joshua Then and Now
- Le Retour
- Leon the Pig FarmerLeon the Pig Farmer
- Jakob der Lügner
- Beit Shean: Seret Milhamah
- Reshimat Ahava
- מכתבים לאמריקה
- Mir Kumen On
- Radio Days
- El Año que Viene en... ArgentinaEl Año Que Viene en... Argentina
- Nuit et Brouillard
- Mamele
- Der Purimszpilerדער פורים-שפילער
- The Life of Emile Zola
- Singing in the DarkSinging in the Dark
- Tevyaטביה דער מילכיגער
- Ha-Makah Hashmonim V'Echad
- The Bells
- ...a pátý jezdec je Strach
- Disraeli
- The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz
- Yentl
- Yippee
- Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg
- Die WannseekonferenzDie Wannseekonferenz
- Ehe im Schatten
- Biloxi Blues
- Gentleman's Agreement;紳士協定
- The Way We Were
- Fiddler on the Roof
- Der Dybbukדער דיבוק
- Tkies Chaf
- Jewish Life in Bialystok
- 17 rue Saint Fiacre
- 1943 Le temps d’un répit
- A Day In Warsaw
- A Musical Passage
- A People Chosen: Who Is a Jew?
- A Secret Space
- A Vilna Legend
- Advice and Dissent
- Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber
- Alois Brunner: The Last Nazi
- Altalena
- America Condemns Nazi Terrorism
- American Jerusalem Jews and the Making of San Francisco
- An Appeal to the Jews of the World
- Angel of Ahlem
- Appelfeld's Table
- At the End of the Day
- Autobiographia Dimionit
- Back To Gombin
- Baklava and The Meaning of Life
- Bar-Mitzvah
- Ben Dov: Images of a Dreamer
- Benjamin and the Miracle of Chanukah
- Bewoket: By the Will of God
- Bitter Herbs and Honey
- Bonjour! Shalom!
- Born in Buenos Aires
- Both Sides of the Wire
- Bound for Nowhere: The St. Louis Episode
- Breaking the Silence: The Generation After the Holocaust
- Carvalho's Journey
- Chasing Shadows
- Clementine
- Cuba’s Forgotten Jewels: A Haven in Havana
- Daffke...! Die vier Leben der Inge D.
- Дамский портной
- Danzig 1939
- Davidoff Newsreel
- Dem Khazns Zundl
- Der Lebediker Yusem
- Der Prozeß
- Der Vanderner Yid
- Deshaim S'Gulim
- Deutschland, erwache!
- Di Seder Nakht
- Di Umgliklikhe Kale
- Diamonds in the Snow
- Die Befreiung von Auschwitz
- Dream of My People
- Dreamers and Builders
- Dreyfus Revisited: A Current Affair
- Everything's For You
- Exodus to Berlin
- Expulsion and Memory
- Fiestaremos! Judy Frankel and the Sephardic Music Tradition
- Finding Leah Tickotsky: A Discovery of Heritage in Poland
- Force of Evil
- Forgotten Children
- Frau Goldmann und der liebe Herrgott
- From Philadelphia to the Front
- Genocide: 1941-1945; The World at War (No. 20)
- Girona, the Mother of Israel: The jews in Catalonia
- Golda Meir
- Great Cantors in Cinema/Great Cantors of the Golden Age
- הים האחרון
- Ha-Zirah
- Half-sister
- Half-sister
- Half the Kingdom
- Hasod
- Hatikvah: The Hope
- Hayntige Mames
- Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream
- How Moshe Came Back
- How To: Be Or Not To Be
- I Miss the Sun
- In Memory
- In Memory
- Is There Poetry After Auschwitz?
- Ish She'Ahav B'Ivrit
- Israel Rocks: A Journey Through Music of Visions and Divisions
- Kraków
- Jewish Life in Lwow
- Jewish Life in Vilna
- Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray
- Juden unter dem Roten Stern
- Ke'Ilu Klum Lo Kara
- Khazan afn probe
- Krasnodar - Der Prozeß von 1943
- Kronika powstania w getcie warszawskim wg Marka Edelmana
- Kupishok: For Eternal Memory
- Kurow
- L'Chaim: To Life!
- Last Journey Into Silence
- The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
- Legado
- Les derniers Marranes
- Levy and Cohen: The Irish Comedians
- Libe un Laydnshaft
- Living For Tomorrow: Untold Stories by the Pioneering Women of Israel
- Lunch with Fela
- Ma Sheraiti B'Hebron
- Majdanek 1944
- Making A Killing
- Making Trouble: Three Generations of Funny Jewish Women
- Mamadrama: The Jewish Mother in Cinema
- Maytal
- Me'ah Yeladim Sheli
- Meet Me In Miami Beach
- Minyan in Kaifeng: A Modern Journey to an Ancient Chinese Jewish Community
- Mishmeret Shniya
- Motl der Operator
- My Dear Clara
- Nahum N. Glatzer & The German-Jewish Tradition
- Nana: Un Portrait
- Natziv Hamelech
- Nemt: A Language Without a People for a People Without a Language
- Nightmare: The Immigration of Joachim and Rachel
- Nize People
- Nous Continuons
- Of Stars and Shamrocks: Boston's Jews and Irish
- On My Way to Father's Land
- Orders of Love
- Oswiecim
- Our Time in the Garden
- Papa's Pest
- Pegisha Hozeret
- פני המרד
- Rabin: Shivah in November
- Rachel
- Rachel de la Comédie-Française
- Rain 1949
- Remembrance
- Rendevous with Freedom
- René and I
- Rhodes nostalgie
- Rites of Passage: The Spiritual Journey of Alice Shalvi
- Robert Clary A5714: A Memoir of Liberation
- Robert J. Lifton: Nazi Doctors
- Rosenzweigs Freiheit
- Samuel Bak: Painter of Questions
- Samuel Bak: The Art of Speaking About the Unspeakable
- Scenes from Jewish Life
- Schund
- Secret Courage: The Walter Suskind Story
- Shalosh Nashim
- Shnei Meter M'Habayit
- Simply Human
- Skvoz Slezy
- So Many Miracles
- Song of Hannah
- Song of Radauti
- Stan Getz: A Musical Odyssey
- Survivre à Shanghai
- Tel Aviv-Jaffa
- The Balcony
- The Bene Israel - A Family Portrait
- The Bent Tree
- The Buchenwald Ball
- The Children of Izieu
- The Cowboy
- The Day Grandpa Died
- The Giving Tree
- The Holocaust Tourist
- The Holy Land
- The Imported Bridegroom
- The Land was theirs
- The March
- The March
- The Righteous Enemy
- The Sabbath Bride
- The Star, the Castle and the Butterfly
- The Vision of Chaim Weizmann
- The Voyage of the St. Louis
- The Wandering Jew
- The Yidishe Gauchos
- Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem
- Tijuana Jews
- Till the Tenth Generation
- Transnistria, The Hell
- Tsvey Shvester
- Un beso a esta tierra
- Unknown Secrets: Art and the Rosenberg Era
- Vu iz Mayn Kind?
- Women Unchained
- Yosl Cutler and His Puppets
- Zahor
- Zegota: A Time to Remember
- Soll sein - Jiddische Kultur im jüdischen Staat
- Zuflucht in Shanghai